Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gatsby and Standin

Agents Gatsby and Standin were great friends together.
So great, in fact, they learned to change the weather.
Though that was mostly Gatsby, and his skills in science.
And it had the side effect of making Standin live in silence.

This was a horrible thing; Standin had a great voice.
So great in fact, the world would hear it and rejoice.
Gatsby had to get it back for his friend.
Let me make this clear, NOT his boyfriend.

He used his less science-ish knowledge of history
To try and find a solution to this great voice mystery.
His best solution was to revive Andrew Jackson,
A great president and a greater man of action.

It wasn't military expertise that would help Standin.
It was the sciency phlebotinum made by John Brandon.
The phlebotinum was in the depths below the Washington Monument,
Dedicated by Chester Arthur. But back to the present...

Jackson led a brigade, with Standin and Gatsby at his side.
Each of the three had a rocket-powered rocking horse to ride.
They took over the United States' capital city,
But assured Obama they weren't too sketchy.

Gatsby found the tools he needed,
So he took them and then pleaded
The president to pardon their crimes.
He promised in return some sick rhymes.

Obama nodded slowly, with the pistol to his head,
For if he hadn't agreed, his ass would be dead.
So Gatsby left dramatically, with science in his mind,
Contemplating briefly if for this he should be enshrined.

Meanwhile, Standin rekilled the seventh president.
Again he became a national underground resident.
Gatsby met with Standin and restored his voice.
Standin opened his mouth and the world did rejoice.

Standin's voice was unequaled on Earth.
Even better than an Australian's from Perth.
It had to be saved, for the greater good.
You'd have done it too, or at least you should.

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