Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fibers of Friendship

A single fiber is easy enough to break
Pull it apart with your bare hands
Not hard at all

Take some time, put in some effort
Twist together fibers and fibers
Make yourself a thread

The thread is a bit stronger than before
But still possible to break in your hands
Perhaps it'll unravel

But take some threads and some more time
Intertwine them, make them more
For now you have a string

Now the string is harder to break
Though with tension and a karate chop
It would fall apart

With more work, more time, more finesse
The string can be built upon
To make a hefty rope

Rope is strong, so strong, but can be more
Tie it in an immortal knot
And it will be the best it can be

But still it can break
With a simple little slash
From a sword

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